Motor disability, which in Italy affects over one million people, includes a wide variety of conditions. In fact, the movement can be damaged in one of the aspects that characterize it and precisely: muscle tone, posture, coordination and praxis.
The term muscle tone refers to the muscle that is sustained by the nerve cells that innervate the muscle.
The posture to the spatial attitude assumed by the human body following a differentiated distribution of muscle tone on the personality, mood, sex, age and any pathologies.
Coordination, on the other hand, is the ability to perform a movement, controlling it and adjusting it according to need.
Finally, the praxia is the ability to perform well coordinated gestures directed to the pursuit of a goal.
The movement can be conceived as both a body in action pursued in the pursuit of an end. In order to be unharmed, both the integrity of the different motor pathways (pyramidal, extrapyramidal and cerebellar pathways) and the integrity of the "tonic dialogue" with the surrounding environment and the affective dimension.
Infantile cerebral palsy and encephalopathies.
While among the pathologies of motor conduits, we are an alteration of the relationship, dysgraphia, motor embarrassment, dyspraxies, and nervous tics.
Infantile spastic cerebral palsy, affecting 1 in 500 children, is due to the central nervous system that has occurred two to hemorrhage or ischemia in a period around birth. In fact, it is caused by obstetric trauma, prematurity or various neonatal pathologies. In these cases, the degree of infirmity that is barely impedes the path to the great feedback that makes any kind of motion impossible. In technical terms, depending on the location of the alterations, we speak of: monoplegia when the lesion affects only one limb; hemiplegia when half of the body is affected; diplegia or Little's disease when two limbs are affected; tetraplegia when infirmity affects all four limbs.
Encephalopathies are a group of both genetically occurring (chromosomal, genetic, hereditary anomalies) and of origin (fetopathy). The motor symptoms are common to all types of encephalopathies: the tremor, or rhythmic oscillations of the body antagonists; muscular atrophy that indicates the loss of form, tone and function of some muscle groups; and myoclonia, which is a brief and involuntary contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles not always pathological (unless it is the case of hiccups) unless it is persistent.
We should first mention dysgraphia. The clinical study of dysgraphia, which implies an insufficient quality of impairment, often shows the presence of disorders of motor motor (motor impairment, dyspraxia and instability) and spatio-temporal disorders characterized by coordination disorders of the gesture. In fact, the hand of children is affected by dysgraphia flows disharmoniously and with difficulty. Leaving the difference between the graphemes and the words. The etiology of this pathology is still unclear since it involves both the motor and the relationship between the child and his / her scholastic learning and the meaning of it can be in the context of his / her family and school dynamics.
Motor impulses means a series of clumsy and heavy gestures that can lead to a waxy contraction and to the typical limbs of catalepsy. It is difficult to trace the etiological causes. I know if any scholar thinks of an organic origin that implies an arrest of the development of the pyramidal system, other authoritative witnesses trace the awkwardness of gestures to a neurotic meaning and to an invasive emotionality.
Motor dyspraxias are perturbations in the organization of the body schema and representation
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