Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Crucial Fact

        You know, in our lives, there are thousands of discomforts and dozens of treatments.
Variety of medicines, minor interventions, unthinkable surgeries and so on.
It's all about bringing people to health ...
And these people are not physically and mentally handicapped.
Are you saying what happens when you have a physical or mental disability?
Let's just say it.
People with disabilities are at the forefront. It goes so far that it does not remember anyone who might have other health problems.

So what?

What happens is that forgetting almost all obstacles in life and regulating it according to normal people, unfortunately forgetting about obstacles in health care.
Sir, people may be sick for certain reasons during certain periods of life.
When they are sick, they go to medical treatment.
In the meantime, alternative therapies are in today's fashion. Hele acupuncture treatment is now one of the most important methods accepted by everyone in our country.
Do not children with physical or mental disabilities ever get sick?
Or are their disabilities just disabled people?
Can there be any health problems other than the disability of a child with a physical or mental disability or who?
Or are the authorities who accept rehabilitation services not see these children as "problems" if they do not have other health problems?
Or is there something in sight or something that is missed?
Because the treatment rights granted to him when normal people are disturbed are not brought to mind for children with disabilities.
It is often said that you find a solution to these children's mental disability (education, rehabilitation, etc.).
But it seems that the current trainings that have been made in thousands of centers since many years are not enough to get results in the treatment of these children.
Because these children's other health problems also need to be treated ...

The Health Problem of the Mental Handicapped

A question may come to mind.
What health problems can mental retardation have?
The subject will be seen from a scientific standpoint, not from an institutional and conceptual point of view, that these children have a health problem, with mental retardation being a problem in itself, as well as a number of health problems that trigger or hinder it.
If they are disabled, they are somebody. In order for their body to be destroyed in the face of discomfort, the following basic features must be sound:
* Neck spine and general backbone structure is not broken.
* Your immune system is strong.
* No allergic problems.
* Healthy work of digestive system and intestines.
* No discomfort in the otolaryngology system. In addition, most of these children have serous otitis media.
We also know that our disabled children, regardless of their kind, generally have problems on these basic bases.
In our institutional sense, each of our physical and mental handicapped children who receive services from special education and rehabilitation centers must be trained in health care, along with their curricula.
As a result of about fifteen years of clinical experience, we say:
In this regard, a suitable infrastructure should be established as soon as possible. This is a must for these children to be able to develop themselves for rehabilitation, and to achieve good results.
Rehabilitation education should be done together with health service.

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