Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Denture Prostheses

The prostheses applied for stumps between dorsal and ankle are called Trans Tibial Prosthesis. The ideal stump length for the comfort of the use of the prosthesis is amputations made from the middle 1/3 of Tibyan bone (12 cm-17 cm). If the stump length is longer or shorter, different alternative methods and different prostheses are used.

Such prostheses are needed if the knee is lost from the knee or knee level. Conventional or vacuum systems with different characteristics are used for these prostheses.

It is recommended to use temporary prosthesis after surgery for successful prosthesis application. Walking and rehabilitation are more successful in amputees using temporary prosthesis.

1) Intermittent (Intermis) Prosthesis Applications

Temporary prostheses are used without healing of the stump wound. When the wound closes 10 to 15 days after the surgery, a preparatory stapled prosthesis should be applied.

Temporary Denture;
* Provides the shape of the groom
* Allows you to walk early
* With positive motivation, individuals return to early work
* Allows pre-evaluation of problems in permanent dentures
* Provides user's prosthetic adaptation.

Provisional prostheses are made from thermoplastic materials that can be adjusted with a pressurized air cushion shaft or low heat.

The durability of permanent prosthesis made to stiff and shaped stiffened after application of temporary prosthesis with bandages and socks is longer.

Dental prostheses are diversified as 'Modular' and 'Classic'. It is possible to manufacture both from different materials and colors.
The most important difference between them is weight, manufacturing technique, comfort and price.

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