Friday, August 24, 2018

Classic Dorsal Prosthesis

Classic Dorsal Prosthesis
Aluminum, leather and polyester resins are used in these types of prostheses, since they are one piece and therefore do not allow adjustment or modification later. Classic prostheses are not as preferred as the old ones due to developing technology and new prostheses.

It is necessary to attach the prosthesis to the knee with various methods with the addition of the orthesis knee joint to the side to ensure the attachment of the prosthesis in short stumps.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Socket Types Used in Denture Prosthesis

The prosthesis pieces and the prosthetic foot are connected by a socket made of hard material called a plug socket. Different techniques and materials are used to prevent the socket from separating from the stump and to stick to the body. With the development of technology, prosthetic fixation methods are developing and changing.
In the KBM and PTB (suspension) attachment systems, soft materials are used between the stump and the rigid socket, which is called a soft socket. In addition to soft connectors, additional stumpy socks are used when necessary to connect the prosthetic socket to the body. In recent years, stump suspension systems, called Silicone Liners, have become much more fattened. Silicone systems are especially recommended for people with skin problems and diabetic patients.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Modular Dorsal Prosthesis

 Modular Dorsal Prosthesis
Modular dorsal prosthesis
The prosthesis carrier parts are made of materials such as steel, aluminum, titanium or carbon, and are obtained by coating a tubular (tubular) and tubular adapter with a cosmetic coating over the modular adapters.
modular dentures Although it is more expensive than conventional dentures in the initial construction stage, it has many advantages.
allows all the modular parts to be easily removed and replaced later, the possibility of adjustment, and the possibility that the prosthesis can be changed due to changes in the stump over time. For this reason, it is economical for a long time and the life expectancy of the prosthesis is higher.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Denture Prostheses

The prostheses applied for stumps between dorsal and ankle are called Trans Tibial Prosthesis. The ideal stump length for the comfort of the use of the prosthesis is amputations made from the middle 1/3 of Tibyan bone (12 cm-17 cm). If the stump length is longer or shorter, different alternative methods and different prostheses are used.

Such prostheses are needed if the knee is lost from the knee or knee level. Conventional or vacuum systems with different characteristics are used for these prostheses.

It is recommended to use temporary prosthesis after surgery for successful prosthesis application. Walking and rehabilitation are more successful in amputees using temporary prosthesis.

1) Intermittent (Intermis) Prosthesis Applications

Temporary prostheses are used without healing of the stump wound. When the wound closes 10 to 15 days after the surgery, a preparatory stapled prosthesis should be applied.

Temporary Denture;
* Provides the shape of the groom
* Allows you to walk early
* With positive motivation, individuals return to early work
* Allows pre-evaluation of problems in permanent dentures
* Provides user's prosthetic adaptation.

Provisional prostheses are made from thermoplastic materials that can be adjusted with a pressurized air cushion shaft or low heat.

The durability of permanent prosthesis made to stiff and shaped stiffened after application of temporary prosthesis with bandages and socks is longer.

Dental prostheses are diversified as 'Modular' and 'Classic'. It is possible to manufacture both from different materials and colors.
The most important difference between them is weight, manufacturing technique, comfort and price.

Leg and Foot Prostheses

Leg and Foot Prostheses
Prostheses; legs or feet are externally used artificial limbs to perform individual walking and daily activities as a result of accidents, tumors, vascular diseases and diabetes. The rest of the body part after the amputation is called 'stump'.

Some properties are assessed in determining the appropriate prosthesis for the individual. These are the age of the person, the level of activity and activity, and the remaining part of the body called stump. Of course, the physical and psychological state of the person is also important. The Social Security Institution makes prosthetic surgeries when the patient is identified with a report of the appropriate prosthesis. In the aftermath of the accident, the employer or traffic accident insurance and motor insurance insurances also make prosthesis payments.

The prosthesis is named according to the lost leg and joint level. In the loss from the hip joint, the entire leg is absent, and hip disarticulation prostheses are used. Knee joint is knee disarticulation on knee level, knee disarticulation on knee level, dorsal on knee joint and foot prosthesis on foot level.

The purple parts in the drawing illustrate the body part that is lost or the prosthesis level to be applied. By clicking on the colored sections you can get detailed information about the prosthesis in every level.

Monday, August 13, 2018

For Doers Ampute

Incomparably close to the natural model.
With the market launch of the Genium pros
thetic leg in 2011, a breakthrough in the field of knee prosthetics was achieved. Unequaled natural walking, climbing stairs in a transitional step, overcoming obstacles, going backwards, standing on inclines and much more: People with a prosthetic leg benefited for the first time from completely new functions, both in their free time and when working.

Feedback from technicians and users has further enhanced the innovative concept of optimized physiological walking (OPG) and intuitive controls. This results in clear benefits in terms of safety, natural walking, endurance and freedom of movement. Especially bilateral users benefit from the new conscious standing function, which complements the intuitive stand-up function. Users can now conveniently control their Genium via smartphone with the Cockpit app for Android devices. Everything for the one goal: an active life.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

A Crucial Fact

        You know, in our lives, there are thousands of discomforts and dozens of treatments.
Variety of medicines, minor interventions, unthinkable surgeries and so on.
It's all about bringing people to health ...
And these people are not physically and mentally handicapped.
Are you saying what happens when you have a physical or mental disability?
Let's just say it.
People with disabilities are at the forefront. It goes so far that it does not remember anyone who might have other health problems.

So what?

What happens is that forgetting almost all obstacles in life and regulating it according to normal people, unfortunately forgetting about obstacles in health care.
Sir, people may be sick for certain reasons during certain periods of life.
When they are sick, they go to medical treatment.
In the meantime, alternative therapies are in today's fashion. Hele acupuncture treatment is now one of the most important methods accepted by everyone in our country.
Do not children with physical or mental disabilities ever get sick?
Or are their disabilities just disabled people?
Can there be any health problems other than the disability of a child with a physical or mental disability or who?
Or are the authorities who accept rehabilitation services not see these children as "problems" if they do not have other health problems?
Or is there something in sight or something that is missed?
Because the treatment rights granted to him when normal people are disturbed are not brought to mind for children with disabilities.
It is often said that you find a solution to these children's mental disability (education, rehabilitation, etc.).
But it seems that the current trainings that have been made in thousands of centers since many years are not enough to get results in the treatment of these children.
Because these children's other health problems also need to be treated ...

The Health Problem of the Mental Handicapped

A question may come to mind.
What health problems can mental retardation have?
The subject will be seen from a scientific standpoint, not from an institutional and conceptual point of view, that these children have a health problem, with mental retardation being a problem in itself, as well as a number of health problems that trigger or hinder it.
If they are disabled, they are somebody. In order for their body to be destroyed in the face of discomfort, the following basic features must be sound:
* Neck spine and general backbone structure is not broken.
* Your immune system is strong.
* No allergic problems.
* Healthy work of digestive system and intestines.
* No discomfort in the otolaryngology system. In addition, most of these children have serous otitis media.
We also know that our disabled children, regardless of their kind, generally have problems on these basic bases.
In our institutional sense, each of our physical and mental handicapped children who receive services from special education and rehabilitation centers must be trained in health care, along with their curricula.
As a result of about fifteen years of clinical experience, we say:
In this regard, a suitable infrastructure should be established as soon as possible. This is a must for these children to be able to develop themselves for rehabilitation, and to achieve good results.
Rehabilitation education should be done together with health service.


Motor disability, which in Italy affects over one million people, includes a wide variety of conditions. In fact, the movement can be damaged in one of the aspects that characterize it and precisely: muscle tone, posture, coordination and praxis.

The term muscle tone refers to the muscle that is sustained by the nerve cells that innervate the muscle.
The posture to the spatial attitude assumed by the human body following a differentiated distribution of muscle tone on the personality, mood, sex, age and any pathologies.
Coordination, on the other hand, is the ability to perform a movement, controlling it and adjusting it according to need.
Finally, the praxia is the ability to perform well coordinated gestures directed to the pursuit of a goal.

The movement can be conceived as both a body in action pursued in the pursuit of an end. In order to be unharmed, both the integrity of the different motor pathways (pyramidal, extrapyramidal and cerebellar pathways) and the integrity of the "tonic dialogue" with the surrounding environment and the affective dimension.
Infantile cerebral palsy and encephalopathies.
While among the pathologies of motor conduits, we are an alteration of the relationship, dysgraphia, motor embarrassment, dyspraxies, and nervous tics.
Infantile spastic cerebral palsy, affecting 1 in 500 children, is due to the central nervous system that has occurred two to hemorrhage or ischemia in a period around birth. In fact, it is caused by obstetric trauma, prematurity or various neonatal pathologies. In these cases, the degree of infirmity that is barely impedes the path to the great feedback that makes any kind of motion impossible. In technical terms, depending on the location of the alterations, we speak of: monoplegia when the lesion affects only one limb; hemiplegia when half of the body is affected; diplegia or Little's disease when two limbs are affected; tetraplegia when infirmity affects all four limbs.

Encephalopathies are a group of both genetically occurring (chromosomal, genetic, hereditary anomalies) and of origin (fetopathy). The motor symptoms are common to all types of encephalopathies: the tremor, or rhythmic oscillations of the body antagonists; muscular atrophy that indicates the loss of form, tone and function of some muscle groups; and myoclonia, which is a brief and involuntary contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles not always pathological (unless it is the case of hiccups) unless it is persistent.

We should first mention dysgraphia. The clinical study of dysgraphia, which implies an insufficient quality of impairment, often shows the presence of disorders of motor motor (motor impairment, dyspraxia and instability) and spatio-temporal disorders characterized by coordination disorders of the gesture. In fact, the hand of children is affected by dysgraphia flows disharmoniously and with difficulty. Leaving the difference between the graphemes and the words. The etiology of this pathology is still unclear since it involves both the motor and the relationship between the child and his / her scholastic learning and the meaning of it can be in the context of his / her family and school dynamics.

Motor impulses means a series of clumsy and heavy gestures that can lead to a waxy contraction and to the typical limbs of catalepsy. It is difficult to trace the etiological causes. I know if any scholar thinks of an organic origin that implies an arrest of the development of the pyramidal system, other authoritative witnesses trace the awkwardness of gestures to a neurotic meaning and to an invasive emotionality.


Motor dyspraxias are perturbations in the organization of the body schema and representation